
Virtual Painting Options


Canvas Painting

Our original canvas painting class is the perfect way to get your team to try something new. The majority of your team probably hasn’t painted since 3rd grade, so this is a great activity to step outside of your comfort zone. This class is a great way to entertain your corporate colleagues or a group of friends. You pick an image from our gallery, choose between our basic or premier kit, and one of our talented instructors will lead you through a step-by-step painting lesson. 


Watercolor (New Option)

One of our new favorite classes to teach!

You will choose from one of our many watercolor painting examples so your team can create a beautiful painting!

We’ll supply everything you need to make your artwork as well as include a frame to put final masterpiece in!


Wine Glass Painting

Every season is a good season to have a drink! So why not create your own glass to add to the fun.

Choose from one of our seasonally made wine glass painting examples.

Each painter receives two wine glasses, as well as all the supplies needed to paint them.



Wooden Personalized Logo Desk Art

Coming soon…